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Step 1

Logo Identity

Your company logo serves as an identity customers interact with. The correct colors, shapes, and font will speak a language your audience wants to hear.

Step 2


If your business cards, letterhead, and envelopes aren’t properly branded, something feels off.

Step 3

Brand Guide

Your company’s logo will generate rules that the stationary design should compliment. The combination of these methods produces a Brand Guide.

Step 4


Your company website is the primary method of interaction with the public. Your website should call the user to perform the desired action.

Step 5


Media includes any form of a ready-made call-to-action often in the form of a banner, flyer, poster, brochure, commercial, or animation.

Step 6

CRM (Customer
Relationship Manager)

A spreadsheet or relational database that keeps track of customer and product details. CRM’s are used to generate invoices and reports, compiled into pdf’s and emailed.

Step 7


Keep potential customers engaged and informed with a monthly call-to-action. Utilize advertising platforms like Google Adwords and SpectrumTV to ramp up business.

Step 8


Spread brand awareness with custom-printed merchandise.