Logo-a computer generated logo doesn't include a hand drawn character or any 3d objects.
A logo comprised of 3d objects like the text "the perfect website" displayed in this web sites' header.
A logo developed from a sketch which is then vectorized, like the magicians hat in the Anything Anymated logo displayed in this websites' header.
This is a pop up page, which is used to display more content then the sliding panels allow.
When users click on the thumbnail an enlarged version of the photo pops up atop the screen.
When users click on the thumbnail an enlarged version of the photo pops up atop the screen.
When users click on the thumbnail an enlarged version of the photo pops up atop the screen.
This pop up feature works with videos too! It can be a youtube video, a personal video that you provide, or a video provided from another website.
The perfect website works best with transparent images, when a promotion needs advertisment we can design an image that supports that concept, and reveals the websites' background.
Flash banner- the perfect website works best with transparent flash banners, which reveal the background behind simple functions like fading text and sliding pictures. The main image will serve as a backup image, invade the viewers device doesn't support flash.
A flyer which displays 3d text to support a 3d logo for the purpose of advertising a promotion.
This is a flash banner which features the rotation of 3d objects. Movements are supported with sound effects and mute/replay controls are available upon rollover. The 3d flash flyer is intended to shock viewers with subtly.
This commercial will include scriptwriting, recording and editing along all of the features of a 3d flash flyer, excluding 3d objects unless previously added.
This module allows users to send emails to you without logging into their own inboxes, it even validates the info they input to save you time.
This email module wil send you an email with a subject heading that will remind you to add them to your list of contacts.
Merchants like paypal will provide shopping cart buttons that can be added to a section in your perfect website.
We have our own Dedicated servers with Godaddy, only difference is its a couple bucks cheaper, per month.
We want you have control over your own web pressence, so we will advise you on how to order the most advantageous domain name for your business.
This perfect website, excluding the Anything Anymated Cartoon Logo, has 11 add-on features: a 3d Logo, a 3d flash flyer, 2 flyer images, 3 sub-pages, a 16 image gallery, a paypal code, contact and email form. The total price for this website would be $902.50 plus hosting and domain name fees.